No juzgues a un libro por su portada es un viejo dicho, pero nunca está de más recordar.
Si un padre no se ajustan a la habitual molde de un padre, a juzgar simplemente por su aspecto puede ser muy injusto.
Los tatuajes en su cara llevaron a otros a que lo acusan de ser un horrible padre. Su esposa, a continuación, reveló algunos inesperados de la información, que sorprendió a todos. Siga leyendo para averiguar más…
Uno de los pilares de la individualidad es la auto-expresión. Ya que permiten que las personas se expresen visualmente, los tatuajes son una manera fantástica de la auto-expresión.
Richard Huff, de 51 años, tiene más de 240 tatuajes en su cuerpo y los utiliza como un medio de auto-expresión.
La tinta adicto es criar a cinco hijos con su esposa. Para la consternación de la internet en general, su esposa rutinariamente publicaciones en medios de comunicación social con él y sus hijos en ella.
A los 51 años de edad, Huff quiere que la gente sepa que su familia es «no es diferente» de los otros. Pero él ha admitido que completos extraños regularmente hacer burla de él en línea debido a su apariencia.
Él describe sus inicios. «Se convirtió en una adicción, empecé con mis piernas y trabajado mi camino,» Huff, dijo.
He said that 85 percent of his body was now covered in tattoos. Among his tattoos are the lips of his daughter and their names.
“I want to be 100% covered in tattoos probably within the next four years,” shared Richard. “I don’t know if it’s the pain or the artwork that you put on you, but it just becomes fascinating when you’re able to do this.”
He claimed that having so many tattoos had its own difficulties. He admitted that the kids at his kids’ school thought he was scary.
In her own words, his daughter has said, “They say, ’ah it’s a bit scary’ and I say ’no, my dad is not scary, he is good with tattoos.’”
Marita, Richard’s wife, admitted that she, too, was terrified of him. She admitted, “I did judge Richard based on his looks at first but as I got to know him a little bit, he is actually a big-hearted person.”
She frequently writes in her blog posts about how much her husband adores her. She continuously praises his qualities, calling him a devoted husband and loving father.
Marita has revealed to others that Richard is much more than a true father to his three children from previous marriages.
When asked about his involvement in the community, Richard said, “I’m involved in the PTA, I go to all the events that my kids do.”
Despite his well-known kindness, many still criticize him. One user commented on his face tattoos and said, “I’m not against tattoos, but I mean, honestly, does he really need a tattoo on his face like that?”
However, Richard is not the only one with supporters. “Everyone keeps talking about his face tattoo. He likes it. He got it. He’s a good dad. Leave him alone.”
Richard responded to the criticism by saying, “If someone can make negative comments like that, there’s something wrong with them to judge someone else.” Adding, “This is what we did and we’re happy. We’ve been together for six years, our kids are happy and that’s all that matters to us.”
Richard goes on to point out that no matter how much his family despises him, or how much he despises them, he still loves them. “Having tattoos doesn’t scare my kids, it doesn’t make me a bad father, it helps my kids see life differently,” he said.
Some people find it hard to believe that he is the same person when they see him without all those tattoos!
Richard Huff comes across as a good husband and father who is loved by his family.
You can’t judge a book by its cover, and he is living proof!