😳Tradiciones inusuales de culturas de todo el mundo que aún existen hoy en día.😧

Every culture has its own traditions, and often they share similarities: loud celebrations at weddings, preparing national dishes for holidays, dancing in circles, or burning effigies. However, some traditions are simply hard to comprehend! Here’s our selection of 10 of the strangest customs from around the world.

Tooth Filing in Bali (Indonesia)
The Balinese have a strong belief in the spirit world and consider sharp canine teeth a sign of evil. As a rite of passage, every teenager has their canines filed down at the age of 18. This is done without anesthesia (not even alcohol); a specially trained person uses a regular file to smooth the front teeth down to the level of the others.

After this procedure, teenagers are said to have a better chance of entering heaven—though not immediately afterward! Locals claim it’s not painful, but just try to imagine it!

Child Throwing in Western India
While all parents want their children to be healthy, the practice in India can be quite unusual. To ensure a child has luck, health, and wealth, they are simply dropped from a 15-meter-high tower onto the ground. For good luck! It’s not as harsh as it sounds—at the bottom, several men are waiting with a stretched sheet to catch the child. Many parents prefer to drop their own kids. May they aim true!

Метание детей, камней или дикие обычаи Индии | Мир в калейдоскопе | Дзен

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